
2014 Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

Future Events TBA

Past Events

Below is a synopsis of organized events at the DSC.

2024: Family Range Day

Family Range Day was an actual blast and we raised funds for Tangled Tails. The Puffin Cannon was in fine form.

2023: National Range Day

National Range Day recognizes licensed gun owners who responsibly, legally, and safely own and use firearms in Canada. Eary June in Newfoundland is not a great time of year to hold an outdoor event but all those that participated had a great time. Note: Beginning in 2024 we are moving this range day to July as a local range event and better chance at good weather.

2016: Legacy of Remembrance Event

On July 23rd, 2016, a special event was held at the DSC to honour the 100th Anniversary of Beaumont Hamel and Newfoundland’s contribution to the First World War. Unlike normal events no live ammunition was used!


2001-2014: Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

Peter Tucker

Below is a year-by-year synopsis of the Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge and The Elliston Sport Shoot that began organized shooting competitions at Elliston.

The Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge ran for 14 consecutive years and concluded on one of its best years. The companion Puffin Shoot ran for the final three years of event.

2014: Fourteenth & Final Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

Great weather yielded a great turnout for 2014 and the Puffin Cannon was on hand for little after event blast. The Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge is an event that ran for 14 consecutive years and concluded on one of its best years.

The winners of the senior shoot were as follows: 1st Lester Fry, 2nd Ronald Tilley & 3rd Stephen Dyke. The winners of the junior division were 1st Gavin Hiscock, 2nd Blake Dyke & 3rd Nathan Rideout. The winners of the puffin shoot were 1st Talyor Peddle, 2nd Kenneth Cole & 3rd Ronald Tilley. Congratulations to all.

2013: Thirteenth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

Despite an initial gloomy forecast the wet weather ceased just as the annual shoot began. Weather conditions proved to be excellent and bride to be April Shelly decided to take in the shoot before her wedding later in the day.


The winners of the senior shoot were as follows: 1st Rob Chaulk, 2nd Lester Fry & 3rd Harvey Tucker. The winners of the junior division were 1st Gavin Hiscock, 2nd Daniel Tucker & 3rd Blake Dyke. The winners of the puffin shoot (male division) were 1st Daniel Tucker, 2nd Gavin Hiscock & 3rd Evan Peddle. The winners of the puffin shoot (female division) were 1st Elizabeth Tucker, 2nd Pat Cooper & 3rd Bernice Tucker. Congratulations to all.

2012: Twelfth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The weather was perfect this year and the level of participation was excellent! The new “Puffin Shoot” event was a hit as well as the regular events. The winners of the senior shoot were as follows: 1st Rob Chaulk, 2nd Kenneth Cole & 3rd Steven Grant. The winners of the junior division were 1st Kyle Cullimore, 2nd Blake Giles & 3rd Daniel Tucker. The winners of the new puffin event were 1st Steven Grant, 2nd Rob Chaulk & 3rd Ryan Mouland. Congratulations to all.

2011: Eleventh Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge


         Despite heavy rain in the morning things cleared up nicely for the annual shoot. This year the junior and senior shoots were held on the same day. The winners of the senior shoot were as follows: Gerry Holloway placed first; Kenneth Cole placed second; and Stephen Dyke placed third. In the junior division Justin Oldford placed first, Jordan Swyers placed second, and Landon King placed third. Congratulations to all.

2010: 10th Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

         The 10th Annual 'Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge' Junior shoot was held on a beautiful day! Daniel Tucker placed first; Cody Sanger took second place; and Jacob Chaulk took third. Sorry due to some technical difficulties no pictures are available from the senior shoot. The adult winners were Darryl Johnson who took first place; Lester Fry who took second; and Bernice Tucker who took third.

Thank you to everyone who donated prizes - Discovery Shooting Club

2009: Ninth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

Warren Van Deventer placed 1st at the 9th Annual ‘Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge.' Shane Synard took second place and Steven Grant took third. The winner of the Bingo Shoot was Max Pittman, and the ticket draw went to Darryl Johnson. For Kids the age limit was increased so that it included 15 & under instead of just 12 & under. This year Daniel Tucker placed first; Colin Collins Faulkner took second place; and Jonathan Cooper took third. Daniel Tucker also won the bingo shoot.

2008: Eighth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

         The Eighth Annual ‘Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge' was divided over two days and went quite well. This year Matthew Fry placed first, Lester Fry took second place, and Dick Ellsworth took third. The winner of the Bingo Shoot was Daniel Tucker, and the winner of the new ticket draw was Alf Chaulk. In the kids' shoot Jonathan Cooper placed first, Daniel Tucker took second place, and Jacob Chaulk took third. Congratulations to all.

2007: Seventh Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

         The Seventh Annual ‘Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge' was a success, and it was a beautiful day. This year Lloyd Ford placed first for the second year in a row, Matthew Fry took second place, and John Gullage took third. The winner of the Bingo Shoot was Daniel Tucker. New for 2007 was a Kids' Shoot and Daniel Tucker placed first, Jonathan Cooper took second place, and Jonathan Brine took third. Also on hand was MP Scott Simms who participated in the shoot and presented the winners with their prizes. Congratulations to all.

2006: Sixth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

         The Sixth Annual ‘Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge' was a success despite some heavy periods of rain at the start, however, the weather did clear. Thank you to all who took part. This year Lloyd Ford placed first, Kenneth Cole took second place, and Rob Chaulk took third. Rob Chaulk also won the Bingo Shoot winning, and Dylan Driscoll won a prize for shooting the most targets. We were also treated to an unusual site when Bill Doig attended the shoot with an 1890 model single shot .22 rifle (Picture #3). Also, Dylan Driscoll, President of the Gander Rod & Gun Club, and Conservative Candidate Aaron Hynes were all present at this event (Picture #13).

2005: Fifth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The Fifth Annual ‘Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge' was successful despite heavy rain that persisted during the entire event. Thank you to all who endured the weather and took part. This year Dave Woolridge placed first, Steven Grant took second place, and Kevin Baker took third. For the first time we had a tie in the Bingo Shoot with Steven Grant once again winning this side event.

2004: Fourth Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The fourth annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge was successful, and the weather was perfect. Craig Keats placed first; Rob Chaulk placed second; and Steven Grant placed third. Steven Grant was also the overall winner of the side event bingo shoot.

2003: Third Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The third annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge was once again an overwhelming success. Shooters from all over the area attended with some participants visiting from the United States and Switzerland. Leo Skinner placed first; Steven Grant placed second; and Greg Kenny placed third. Alfred Street was the overall winner of the side event bingo shoot.

2002: Second Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The second annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge was an overwhelming success despite heavy rain that persisted the whole day. Shooters from all over the area attended with some participants visiting from mainland Canada and the United States. In fact, Tobin Ellsworth from Vermont took first place. Paul Faulkner took second place and Kenneth Cole took third. Harvey Tucker was the overall winner of the side event bingo shoot.

2001: First Annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The concept of a shooting event was again resurrected in 2001. With the support of several people this shooting event became the first annual Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge, and a memorial plaque was donated by the Tucker Family. This shoot introduced medals in addition to the certificates and small cash prize. Moreover, a side event Bingo Shoot was introduced to complement the main shoot.

This shooting challenge was a success with some stiff competition for first place. Paul Faulkner was the overall winner with Kenneth Cole taking second and Dick Ellsworth placing third. Raphaël Soucy was the overall winner of the side event bingo shoot.

1999: The Elliston Sport Shoot Forerunner of the Peter Tucker Memorial Shooting Challenge

The first organized shooting event to take place, at what is today the site of the Discovery Shooting Club, was the Elliston Sport Shoot that was held in 1999. This event featured the shooting of .22 caliber rifles at small targets for a certificate and small cash prize. The overall winner was Rob Chaulk who in turn donated the money back.



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